British Youth International College


BYITC Inspire Awards Judges

Harminder Berman

Rtd. Arts Development Officer Glasgow Life

I have held position of Arts Development Officer with Glasgow Life for the past 20 years. The experience. My experience includes: determining policies, strategies and development plans; assessing, monitoring and evaluation of grant applications; review of partnership agreements; providing advice, information and analysis; organising training programs; leading meetings and contributing to internal and external discussions; preparing budgetary submissions and exercising financial control; engaging with a wide range of partnership organizations. Since 1998 I have been Arts Development Officer at Glasgow Life and been the Producer of Glasgow Mela2010, the largest multi-cultural festival in Scotland, attracting in excess of 47,000 people in 2018 before retiring.

During my time at Glasgow Life I had opportunities to work with local, National and International artists and organisation globally. I also established a good relationship with Ministry of Culture in India. We were regularly supported by Ministry to provide artists to perform in the Mela and other festival in Glasgow.

In 2019 I set up a South Asian Multi-Arts Agency in Glasgow to address the gap in provisions of arts in the Minority Communities and support, develop and nurture arts amongst young people working with professional artists and teachers. Develop Dance and Music working with agencies at local, national and international level working with professionals artists To seek training opportunities for local organisation enabling them to become stronger to develop their work. And create new work for the festivals in the city.